Faculty of Sciences

GPU’s Humanities and Social Science department provides broader perspectives, external fields and technology competencies to all students through our dedicated faculty. Our department offers a small class size and provides excellent preparation for a career, professional study (medicine or health sciences) or graduate study and research. As a department we are unique as we house multiple disciplines under one roof with 15 teacher-scholars from across the liberal arts world who love what they do. We have focused programs in American studies, history and political science with flexible programs in interdisciplinary humanities, social sciences and liberal studies. Our students participate in conferences and get the chance to show their work to their peers and others around the community. Providing you the opportunity to show off your work while still in school helps prepare you for a job after graduation.

Social science research is key to addressing the most pressing issues of our time. Social science researchers produce new insight into increasingly complex and interconnected global communities. From studies of ordinary social interactions to research into large-scale structural inequalities, social science produces transformative knowledge.

Academic community

The faculty is attractive to the best students in the natural sciences, mathematics, and computing sciences in the USA as well as abroad, and challenges them to actively participate in the academic community. Students are active members of the study programs and have a clear idea of their ambitions in the future. Master’s graduates and PhD students occupy significant and responsible positions in our society. This is why the faculty offers solid study programs which educate students to become experts in their area of studies, and critical and engaged academics, with their own vision on science and society, who are capable of occupying responsible positions in an international society.

Duration of programs
  • 2 or 3 years for HND holders & and other candidates with recognized professional qualifications depending on course and department.
  • 3 or 4 years for candidates with Advanced Level GCE, ND, University Diploma, NCE or recognized equivalent professional qualifications depending or course and department.
  • 4 or 5 years for candidates with O/Level GCE or equivalent qualifications depending on course and department.
Department of Science (BSc /MSc/M Phill/ PhD)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Hospitality & Hotel Administration
  • Environmental Sciences
Department of Computers Science (BSc /MSc/M Phill/ PhD)
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science/Accounting
  • Computer Science/Business Administration
  • Computer Science/Economics
  • Computer Science/Mathematics
  • Computer Science/Statics
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