
At GPU, we work to make life easy for our students. Our online education system is open step towards it. A lot of people ask the questions if the online education degree is as good as the conventional university degree. And our accreditation body will answer to all these skeptics that the degrees we provide and the degrees you earn are completely legitimate. GPU is internationally accredited by British Council(BC), Royal American University, Global achievers accreditation council, International Accreditation Organization(IAO), American accreditation Council of business education(AACBE), Ocenia accreditation Council, Delaware for distance learning that gives global recognition to our university.
The accreditation sign that GPU has maintained high standard of imparting education, has the renowned faculty required and the curriculum that will be used to educate our students. All the degree, certificate and diploma programs provided by GPU are accredited. It's an achievement for us to be recognized by University as this accreditation body is a mark of quality and supremacy and signifies legality.

Accreditation & Memberships
Accreditation & Membership

The Unit of the Educational Panel is legally incorporated in the Federal Government of USA as the GPU vide Registration SR NO 20208399270; and File Number 4140686 registered with United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and American Accreditation Council of Business Education (AACBE). The American international education federation reg No AMIEF/USA/53910 and educational accreditation reg No AIEFA/USA/ 98824. The certificates of AACBE and IAO are widely accepted worldwide. We work with many reputed Universities worldwide and offer degrees approved by the GCPSDEM and GPU.

We are legally incorporated in USA

We Value the Global culture of peace, solidarity, inclusiveness, shared responsibility, harmony, cooperation, goodwill and reverence for the sacredness of all life through active peaceful engagement. We focus on universal values, which transcend the boundaries of religion, ethnicity, gender and geography. We are passionate to help bring about a culture of peace and a global civil community in which all the people of the world can address together with our common global concerns in a holistic, positive and transforming way and live together in peace with one another for our own Prosperity and ultimately the Prosperity of the Global Nation. Our University in USA is a global Think tank with a primary focus of helping scholars carry out research into Theology, Peace and Conflict studies, and to build competencies of peace activists worldwide.

American accreditation Council of business education(AACBE)

American accreditation Council of business education(AACBE) is an international accrediting body for degree-granting post-secondary programs in engineering. American accreditation Council of business education(AACBE) accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards established in the engineering profession.

IAO’S Full Accreditation Awarded to GPU

IAO is an international quality assurance agency, working to improve & establish education standards of institutes all over the world. With its global network of experts, IAO grants accreditation to educational institutions, corporations, professionals and qualified individuals. GPU has successfully met all of the IAO’s accreditation requirements and as a results has been awarded full accreditation by IAO. The University has been awarded full accreditation after evaluating it on IAO standards of the global best practices in organizational management, academic management and institutional performance. IAO ‘s full accreditation is a proof that GPU offers education to its students that is on par with global education standards and that university is fully committed towards continuous improvement of its educational standards.

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