Faculty of Medical Sciences

The Faculty of Medical Sciences is the largest School of the GPU. The GPU is responsible for all Research Master and PhD education programs within the GPU, including the ‘Junior Scientific Master class’, a special track for talented medical students. The programs available cover a wide range of research fields and are aimed towards students with a background in areas including biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, medicine, pharmacy, psychology and human movement sciences.

Research within the GPU ranges from fundamental to patient-oriented (clinical) research. The GPU has organized all its research in five Research Institutes that each have developed research programs around specific aims and objectives. The five Research Institutes collaborate in the GPU to educate and train students for future scientific leadership.

Why study at the GPU?

At the Faculty of Medical Sciences, we are working with people from all over the world. All of our postgraduate programs are taught in English and more than half of our doctoral students are international! We encourage our students to complete parts of their program in partner universities abroad and to build connections across national and cultural borders.

Personalized programs

We encourage our students to become critical and independent Scholar. At the Faculty of Medical Sciences, you will follow courses and do research in small groups where personal interaction with your supervisor is an important part of your education. As a result, our students design their research and their programs to meet their own personal interests.

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